It's one thing to sell a product that claims to have magical curative powers to people in developed first world countries were we can say "They should have known better" and "They could have checked the Internet to find out that it doesn't work". But to do this in rural Tanzania‽ This particular quack has started the "Homoeopathy for Health in Africa" project, "specifically intended to help patients with AIDS". In 2008 he claimed to have treated 40 people with AIDS, one of whom was totally negative. He is going back to Tanzania to
Tanzania...there is no reason why you have to accept people like this as doctors. They are not medical doctors and they do not have the best interests of your citizens in mind. It would benefit you greatly if you passed laws (or enforced them if they already exist) regarding practicing medicine without a license. A homeopath (also spelled homoeopath) is NOT a medical doctor, even if they do put Dr. in front of their name. While your at it...naturopaths (ND's or Dr. of naturopathy) are not medical doctors (MD's) either. Don't be fooled! Stop these people at the airport and put them on the next plane home before they cause any more damage.